Trisled univelo
Een van de fietsen die binnenkort niet meer mag ontbreken in wedstrijden en zeker natuurlijk niet op de Battle mountain Human powered speed challenge is de Trisled Univelo

Trisled gebruikt een heel nieuw concept om zeker de rolweerstand zeer laag te krijgen, ze gebruiken maar 1 wiel en dus maar 1 band! Meer info in het facebook bericht.
Ze schrijven: "Trisled Univelo unveiled!
Sneak peak at our latest human powered land speed project. In order to reduce drag to never before reachable lows we’ve been developing a unicycle streamliner. With only one wheel on the road drag may be reduced by a massive 37%. We are aiming to achieve frontal levitation using the latest room temperature superconductor tech teaming up with the University of Rochester. Vehicle control will be via Trisled’s in house designed APR1 guidance system which also removes the need for rider control input. We are aiming commence first proving trials early April 2024. Stay tuned for updates! "
Ze schrijven: "Trisled Univelo unveiled!
Sneak peak at our latest human powered land speed project. In order to reduce drag to never before reachable lows we’ve been developing a unicycle streamliner. With only one wheel on the road drag may be reduced by a massive 37%. We are aiming to achieve frontal levitation using the latest room temperature superconductor tech teaming up with the University of Rochester. Vehicle control will be via Trisled’s in house designed APR1 guidance system which also removes the need for rider control input. We are aiming commence first proving trials early April 2024. Stay tuned for updates! "

1 april
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TheoVelomobiel op za 01 apr 2023 om 12:35