Cycle Vision (date not yet fixed)

Possible date for Cycle Vision 2025. You can post any objections to this date in the comments.

Start: Zaterdag 28 juni 2025 om 16:10 uur
Locatie: Amsterdam Sloten outdoor and indoor.
Meer info: Rembrandt Bakker

This text was written in June 2024 and may change.

All races will take place at Sportpark Sloten, Sloterweg 1045, 1066 CD Amsterdam
This venue has two race tracks:
- Outdoor 2.5 km track with smooth asphalt, gentle curves and a 5.5 meter high climb.
- Indoor 200m wooden track, recently renovated. This is indicated in the program as 'velodrome'.

The program contains races for two types of participants: athletes and casual riders. Races with nothing indicated are for all.

Saturday 22 June
9:30 (latest 10:30) registration  at ASC Olympia canteen (attached to velodrome).
Make sure your bike has a mirror in which you can see a person standing two meters behind your bike. Bikes must not have sharp/protruding objects, tube endings must be closed, chainrings must be covered.
11:30 45 minute race (athletes)
11:50 25 minute race (casual riders)
50% average speed
50% fastest lap speed
The numbers 1, 2 and 3 of these races get 2, 1, 0.5 bonus points, respectively.

All races in the afternoon take place in the velodrome. Your bike must be clean and dry, especially the tires. It is unsafe to use your brakes while on the track. You will be racing alone or in pairs, so there is no reason to slow down anyway. If you wish, you may use a special track bike (see 'prizes').

14:00 warming up / getting used to velodrome
15:00 1000m pairwise pursuit (athletes) standing start.
Order based on fastest lap in 1 hour race.
Heat 1: 1-2, 3-4, 5-6, 7-8 etc.
Heat 2: 2-3, 4-5, 6-7, etc.
Start at opposite sides of the velodrome, no need to overtake your opponent, just get close. Points:
Fastest lap speed in either first or second heat.
One bonus point for each winner of the pairwise pursuit.
Half bonus point if you don't participate in a heat due to odd/even number of participants
16:30 Leave the velodrome

18:00 BBQ at camp site

Sunday 23 June
You must choose to participate in either the 6h or 3h or 1h race.
In bold the race that gives you the largest number of speed-points.
11:00 4 hour race (athletes, counts 200%)
13:00 2 hour race (athletes, counts 150%)
14:00 1 hour race (casual riders)
Average speed times 2 for 4 hour participants
Average speed times 1.5 for 2 hour participants
The numbers 1, 2 and 3 of these races get 2, 1, 0.5 bonus points, respectively.
15:30 Prize ceremony in ASC Olympia canteen

We will award prizes for the overall ranking, not for individual races.
Casual riders/athletes are ranked separately, and within these groups we distinguish fully faired vs. not fully faired, male vs. female.
The overall ranking is based on a weighted sum of speed points plus bonus points.
Speed points are equal to the average speed and/or fastest lap in a race.
Bonus points can be obtained at the Elimination race and Commuter race:
3 for the winner, 1 for 2nd, 1 for 3rd.
And in the pairwise pursuit, each winner gets 1 bonus point.
All parts of the program must be performed in the same vehicle category. If you use multiple bikes, the category of the most streamlined bike counts.

Camping, Catering
Those who like to camp can stay at (to be announced). On Saturday we are having food at the camp site.

Registration is open. You can select whether you will race as an athlete/casual rider, but you can always change your mind upon arrival. The registration fee is 35 euros for athletes and 20 euros for casual riders.


Registratie voor dit evenement is gesloten.

Reacties en verslagen

mvdriel op di 25 jun 2024 om 19:11

Het lijkt mij leuk om ook een keer mee te doen aan Cycle Vision, maar de jaarlijks Climate Classic ( staat ook hoog op mijn lijstje. Volgens mij zijn er trouwens meer Climate Classic deelnemers, die ook graag mee zouden doen aan CV. Ik heb al gevraagd of de datum van de 2025 editie van de CC bekend, maar dat is nog niet het geval. Het gaat sowieso weer plaatsvinden op een vrijdag of maandag rond de langste dag van het jaar. Ik hoop dat het mogelijk is om het in 2025 niet tegelijk te laten plaatsvinden.