Nieuwe EuSupino gelanceerd

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De inmiddels alweer vierde uitgaven EuSupino is in te zien!

EuSupino is het digitale ligfietstijdschrift met naar het Engels vertaalde artikelen uit ligfietsbladen van verschillende Human-powered-vehicle (HPV) verenigingen binnen (en buiten) Europa.
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De inhoud van deze uitgave:
  • Editorial - by Roel van Dijk, NVHPV, the Netherlands
  • Safe cycling in a velomobile - by Carl Georg Rasmussen from Denmark
  • Giovanni Eupani - Wilfried Brahm visits his very large workshop
  • One good arm triker - by James Coxon in Laid back cyclist 143–145
  • 2021 Cycle Vision with Piet’s bicycle - by Willem Jan Coster from the Netherlands
  • On the road with the Cruzbike S40 - testing by Willem Jan Coster from the Netherlands
  • How to plan for an unplanned cycling trip - by Peter Brown from Canada
  • Les trois merveilles, the three wonders - by Sébastien Courteille from France
  • World championships 2022 in Orgelet, France - by Olivier Cresson, president of AFV, France
  • The Association Française de Vélocouché - by Olivier Cresson, president of AFV, France
  • The fifth Grenslandtour - by Chris Trines from the Netherlands
  • Mike Burrows workshop visit - by Brian Robertson of the BHPC
  • A visit to the countryside - by Andreas Pooch from Germany
  • Pony4 - by Andreas Pooch from Germany
  • Record attempt at 100 kilometer and 100 mile - by Jochem Leemans from the Netherlands
  • My quest for the best recumbent climbing bike - by Marco Ruga from Italy
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