De eurobike begint vandaag. Er zal veel nieuws komen. Als eerste kwam HP met gegevens over de vouwdriewieler Gekko die met veel tamtam is geintroduceerd op de beurs.

Het nieuws van de Gekko is vooral dat er wat meer foto s zijn gekomen en ook dat prijs en levertijd bekend zijn geworden. De trike wordt begin volgend jaar uitgeleverd naar de dealers en de vanaf prijs is 1990 euro. Uiteraard, als je trapondersteuning met Bionx wilt of andere opties wordt de fiets duurder. De vanaf prijs is erg laag want de verlichting, spatborden en andere zaken zitten er nog niet in.
HP Velotechniks new fast folding trike "Gekko fx" was presented as one of the main attractions at the 2010 Eurobike show pre-opening press conference on Thursday, August 26th.
One week before the world's biggest bike show with more than 1100 international exhibitors in the German town of Friedrichshafen, Lake Konstanz opens up it's doors, the major news networks were invited for a sneak preview the major bike and trike trends for 2011.
The new Gekko fx trike was presented by Daniel Fikuart, editor of Germanys leading touring bike magazine aktivRadfahren. HP Velotechnik's revolutionary fast Dual-Flat-Fold System was demonstrated by Gunnar Fehlau, author of the book "Das Liegerad" (The recumbent).
Outside, model Ines Kuntner took HP Velotechnik's new trike for a quick spin in front of the press cameras. (See picture attached).
At the same day, HP Velotechnik confirmed that the Gekko fx will be available selected dealers from 1.990 Euros staring January 2011. Customers will have the full choice from HP Velotechnik's extensive custom-build program offering options like Rohloff gear hubs, propper fender an rack kits, powerfull Son Dynamo hub light systems or BionX E-assist kits.
HP Velotechnik published a series of action photos displaying a basic Gekko fx trike as well as trike with E-assist at full speed in the Bavarian hills around Munich.
The high resolution pictures are online at HP Velotechniks Gekko fx web album.
The innovative Dual Flat Fold system can best be seen in the video.
HP Velotechnik will have a Gekko fx trike on display at the Interbike show, Las Vegas show starting September 22nd, 2010. The HP Velotechnik booth is at #374.
One week before the world's biggest bike show with more than 1100 international exhibitors in the German town of Friedrichshafen, Lake Konstanz opens up it's doors, the major news networks were invited for a sneak preview the major bike and trike trends for 2011.
The new Gekko fx trike was presented by Daniel Fikuart, editor of Germanys leading touring bike magazine aktivRadfahren. HP Velotechnik's revolutionary fast Dual-Flat-Fold System was demonstrated by Gunnar Fehlau, author of the book "Das Liegerad" (The recumbent).
Outside, model Ines Kuntner took HP Velotechnik's new trike for a quick spin in front of the press cameras. (See picture attached).
At the same day, HP Velotechnik confirmed that the Gekko fx will be available selected dealers from 1.990 Euros staring January 2011. Customers will have the full choice from HP Velotechnik's extensive custom-build program offering options like Rohloff gear hubs, propper fender an rack kits, powerfull Son Dynamo hub light systems or BionX E-assist kits.
HP Velotechnik published a series of action photos displaying a basic Gekko fx trike as well as trike with E-assist at full speed in the Bavarian hills around Munich.
The high resolution pictures are online at HP Velotechniks Gekko fx web album.
The innovative Dual Flat Fold system can best be seen in the video.
HP Velotechnik will have a Gekko fx trike on display at the Interbike show, Las Vegas show starting September 22nd, 2010. The HP Velotechnik booth is at #374.
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