Verlichte fietsbanden
In een artikel op Velovision zagen we banden met ingebouwde leds. Wel heel erg bijzonder!

Waarschijnlijk zijn de banden niet te leveren in de populaire bandenmaat 20 inch die bij ligfietsers erg vaak gebruikt wordt. Maar deze bijzondere banden kun je misschien op een van je andere fietsen wel gebruiken?
Als je interesse hebt in reflectie is het misschien wel leuk om deze discussie over stickers te lezen.
Als je interesse hebt in reflectie is het misschien wel leuk om deze discussie over stickers te lezen.
A unique, patented invention designed to revolutionise cycling safety.
Using high powered LED lights embedded in the tread or wall of the tyres, Cyglo Tyre creates a ring of light that maximises visibility on today’s busy roads.
Switched using a motion sensor within the tyre, The LED bulbs can either flash or be permanently on, so when the wheel turns at any speed, a high visibility ring of light is formed whilst continually and perpetually creating it’s own power.
Patented in the UK and USA, Cyglo Tyre revolutionises cycling safety and offers commuter cyclists, Police Officers, Paramedics, Royal Mail workers and couriers on the road today a unique and unprecedented safety measure.
Manufacturing bicycle tyres with LED lights already built in has significant benefits, not least that pedal cycles become aligned with all road vehicles by having permanent running lights on day and night to maximise visibility regardless of lighting conditions.
Cyglo Tyre also offers exciting after market coloured and flashing light options for trend setting BMX riders and fashionable mountain bike enthusiasts.
+44 (0) 1494 862423
+44 (0) 7787 571 783
A unique, patented invention designed to revolutionise cycling safety.
Using high powered LED lights embedded in the tread or wall of the tyres, Cyglo Tyre creates a ring of light that maximises visibility on today’s busy roads.
Switched using a motion sensor within the tyre, The LED bulbs can either flash or be permanently on, so when the wheel turns at any speed, a high visibility ring of light is formed whilst continually and perpetually creating it’s own power.
Patented in the UK and USA, Cyglo Tyre revolutionises cycling safety and offers commuter cyclists, Police Officers, Paramedics, Royal Mail workers and couriers on the road today a unique and unprecedented safety measure.
Manufacturing bicycle tyres with LED lights already built in has significant benefits, not least that pedal cycles become aligned with all road vehicles by having permanent running lights on day and night to maximise visibility regardless of lighting conditions.
Cyglo Tyre also offers exciting after market coloured and flashing light options for trend setting BMX riders and fashionable mountain bike enthusiasts.
+44 (0) 1494 862423
+44 (0) 7787 571 783
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