Barbara bedankt het team en de volgers
In het franse Velorizontal forum wordt aangekondigd dat Barbara nog een verslag gaat schrijven van het het evenement en worden nu al een aantal teamleden bedankt.

Ze reed met een relatief zware fiets en onder bijzonder zware weersomstandigheden de race uit. Ze genoot verder van de directe confrontatie met de winnaar van de heren Robic Jure door hem lange tijd voor te blijven en ook om delen van de rit sneller te rijden dan hem.
Het zal dus zeker een boeiend verhaal kunnen worden.
Het zal dus zeker een boeiend verhaal kunnen worden.
hieronder een vertaling van google translate van een post van Barbara in het Velorizontal forum:
Hello everyone,
A big thank you for all your messages of encouragement, I could read only 20 pages actuellment ....
Sorry for the lack of live coverage but it was extremely difficult to find a wifi connection. There is indeed a great number of pictures and videos we will post a bit more later. I will also do a complete summary of my race. For now the team apart and puts the business of Van and the "Old Camper"
RAAM is a race of extraordinary diversity of landscapes, weather conditions, sleep management, hydration and food but also by the friendship that forms with each team member. We've all done a good job and always in good humor. It is thanks to them I could go all the way and I thank all of my heart for the incredible work that has been accomplished.
Certainly the atmosphere that allowed me to be as relaxed as possible and pass the difficulties easier. I happened to have crazy laughing on the bike for a quarter of an hour.
I am amused to maintain my lead as long as possible on Jure Robic and make 3 Time Station, with an average faster than him!
I was pleasantly surprised not to have more physical problems, a little sore right knee tendinitis and a small Achilles tendon which is declared 24 hours before the end of the race.
Yves has contributed to the unusually cool!
After a good night's sleep (8 hours), today is rest for me, I feel good but I still feel a little tired. I'm going to rest beside the pool.
The idea of BP in five days running through my head to see!
See you soon for more details and a big thank you to all!
In response to Geoffrey, the aspiration is not prohibited. Commissioners ply the roads to ensure compliance, penalties are awarded if the schedules regulations (150 pages!) Is not fulfilled.
Moreover we have received two warnings, but no penalty
For Figaro: the team was divided in half, "Old Camper" (name given by Peter) Joanna, Yves, and Mikael Eric for navigation, he came in the van part of the night to allow Pierre to rest in DC
In the van there were Nils, Pascal, Peter and Julius, you will see pictures of the construction of the Van (The Tank)
Besides, I've never stayed in DC but Always the mattress in the Van was very comfortable.
Bron: Velorizontal forum
Meer leeswerk:
RAAM site over einduitslag
Berichtje op de RAAM site op 16 juni over de warme omstandigheden
16 juni de directe concurrente Sandy Earl trekt zich terug uit de race
13 juni, Barbara wordt door de inmiddels vijfvoudig winnaar van de RAAM eindelijk ingehaald, er is nog nooit 1 dame geweest die zo lang de mannelijke achtervolgers voor is gebleven
13 juni, vreselijk noodweer in Kansas speelt de rijders parten
12 juni, normaliter gaan de heren de dames al in Colorado voorbij, dat lukt dit jaar niet
A big thank you for all your messages of encouragement, I could read only 20 pages actuellment ....
Sorry for the lack of live coverage but it was extremely difficult to find a wifi connection. There is indeed a great number of pictures and videos we will post a bit more later. I will also do a complete summary of my race. For now the team apart and puts the business of Van and the "Old Camper"
RAAM is a race of extraordinary diversity of landscapes, weather conditions, sleep management, hydration and food but also by the friendship that forms with each team member. We've all done a good job and always in good humor. It is thanks to them I could go all the way and I thank all of my heart for the incredible work that has been accomplished.
Certainly the atmosphere that allowed me to be as relaxed as possible and pass the difficulties easier. I happened to have crazy laughing on the bike for a quarter of an hour.
I am amused to maintain my lead as long as possible on Jure Robic and make 3 Time Station, with an average faster than him!
I was pleasantly surprised not to have more physical problems, a little sore right knee tendinitis and a small Achilles tendon which is declared 24 hours before the end of the race.
Yves has contributed to the unusually cool!
After a good night's sleep (8 hours), today is rest for me, I feel good but I still feel a little tired. I'm going to rest beside the pool.
The idea of BP in five days running through my head to see!
See you soon for more details and a big thank you to all!
In response to Geoffrey, the aspiration is not prohibited. Commissioners ply the roads to ensure compliance, penalties are awarded if the schedules regulations (150 pages!) Is not fulfilled.
Moreover we have received two warnings, but no penalty
For Figaro: the team was divided in half, "Old Camper" (name given by Peter) Joanna, Yves, and Mikael Eric for navigation, he came in the van part of the night to allow Pierre to rest in DC
In the van there were Nils, Pascal, Peter and Julius, you will see pictures of the construction of the Van (The Tank)
Besides, I've never stayed in DC but Always the mattress in the Van was very comfortable.
Bron: Velorizontal forum
Meer leeswerk:
RAAM site over einduitslag
Berichtje op de RAAM site op 16 juni over de warme omstandigheden
16 juni de directe concurrente Sandy Earl trekt zich terug uit de race
13 juni, Barbara wordt door de inmiddels vijfvoudig winnaar van de RAAM eindelijk ingehaald, er is nog nooit 1 dame geweest die zo lang de mannelijke achtervolgers voor is gebleven
13 juni, vreselijk noodweer in Kansas speelt de rijders parten
12 juni, normaliter gaan de heren de dames al in Colorado voorbij, dat lukt dit jaar niet
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