Zelfbouwer Greg op Discovery
Greg heeft eerder wat leuke filmpjes laten zien over zijn voorbereidingen om vanuit Canada naar Hawaii te fietsen. Deze week verscheen een documentaire van Discovery.

Discovery kondigt aan: "One man is determined to pedal his way from British Columbia to Hawaii in a modified kayak".
Greg zelf vertelt over de achtergrond van de film: "I started talking with Discovery Channel producer Mark Stevenson a way back in October about their third Daily Planet segment on me and PedalTheOcean project. I was thrilled when Mark assigned a friend of mine - Neil Thomas who produced the first Daily Planet segment way, way back in November of 2007 to produce the new show. They sent a film crew to Glenmore reservoir to shoot the lake test, capsize test, and were unable to get a crew out for the failed Vancouver Island circumnavigation attempt with myself and Jordan Hanssen. It was just as well, as that trip lasted only 4 hours before our drive leg broke. Luckily, they were able to get a crew out to Nanaimo for the launch of the inside passage sea trials that Bryon Howard and I did together. They also flew into Port McNeil to film us arriving. I think the segment turned out great! I hope you enjoy it: http://alturl.com/paxd".
Wil je meer lezen over Greg en zijn avonturen? Dan kun je zijn blog gaan lezen.
Greg zelf vertelt over de achtergrond van de film: "I started talking with Discovery Channel producer Mark Stevenson a way back in October about their third Daily Planet segment on me and PedalTheOcean project. I was thrilled when Mark assigned a friend of mine - Neil Thomas who produced the first Daily Planet segment way, way back in November of 2007 to produce the new show. They sent a film crew to Glenmore reservoir to shoot the lake test, capsize test, and were unable to get a crew out for the failed Vancouver Island circumnavigation attempt with myself and Jordan Hanssen. It was just as well, as that trip lasted only 4 hours before our drive leg broke. Luckily, they were able to get a crew out to Nanaimo for the launch of the inside passage sea trials that Bryon Howard and I did together. They also flew into Port McNeil to film us arriving. I think the segment turned out great! I hope you enjoy it: http://alturl.com/paxd".
Wil je meer lezen over Greg en zijn avonturen? Dan kun je zijn blog gaan lezen.
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