Eurotour onderweg
Inmiddels is de Eurotour 2013 al eventjes onderweg. We kregen op de redactie via mail een update binnen. Wil je de tour zelf volgen kan dat ook.

Updates van de tour zijn gemakkelijk te volgen via de Facebook pagina.
We ontvingen van de organisator de volgende mail met link naar foto's " Hallo to all fans of bicycles and recumbents,
the Eurotour2013 is still going on - until sunday the "velonauts" are driving through northern France and Luxemburg. The tour will reach Germany again on Sunday afternoon at Konz on river Mosel and Saar.
Here you find some fotos taken on the way from Leer/D via Groningen/NL to Dronten/NL - " the World Capital of Velomobils" . The tour had a stop over in Dronten and visited two of the most important velomobil manufacturies - and Flevobike Technology.
Best wishes
Matthias Erz
We ontvingen van de organisator de volgende mail met link naar foto's " Hallo to all fans of bicycles and recumbents,
the Eurotour2013 is still going on - until sunday the "velonauts" are driving through northern France and Luxemburg. The tour will reach Germany again on Sunday afternoon at Konz on river Mosel and Saar.
Here you find some fotos taken on the way from Leer/D via Groningen/NL to Dronten/NL - " the World Capital of Velomobils" . The tour had a stop over in Dronten and visited two of the most important velomobil manufacturies - and Flevobike Technology.
Best wishes
Matthias Erz
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