World Championships 2021 - Racer registration
After a year postponement and an additional two months delay, we are happy to announce that the World HPV Championships have the definitive go-ahead and that registration is open. Register by August 31st to get the complimentary T-shirt. Update: registration is closed. Email if you want to late-register.
Georganiseerd door: | Cycle Vision/A-Race-in-the-Park |
Start: | Vrijdag 17 september 2021 |
Locatie: | Spaarnwoude and Amsterdam Sloten |
Meer info: | Cycle Vision organization |
Website: | |
The races will be held at two locations close to Amsterdam. On Friday Sep. 17 at 3pm the event starts in Sloten, with the first race the elimination race at 7pm. Then on Saturday there are two races in Spaarndam, the one-hour time trial at 10am and the 20-minute criterium at 2pm (not fully faired) or 2.45pm (fully faired). Finally on Sunday there is the combined 3/6 hour race which start at 1pm/10am respectively. See the event website for more race details, the activities for kids and visitors, the fun-race on Saturday, and the proposed place to camp.
Registration proceeds in three steps:
Registration proceeds in three steps:
- Login to your account on Create one if necessary.
- After login, a green link 'Inschrijven' or 'Register' will appear near the bottom of this page.
- Click the button and fill out the form. This registers you for one or more races. Pay the registration fee to complete the registration. You can do this for multiple participants in one go. Put the participants names in the comments.
- You are not done yet! Fill out this form, to tell us details about yourself and your bike. This has to be done separately for each participant.
- If you need to change your registration, write to
Register as soon as possible to help us with planning the event. And it entitles you to a free T-shirt. To compete for the overall ranking, you need to participate in all four races.
Our cancellation policy is that it is up to us to decide whether to refund your money should you not be able to make it to the event. We have kept the fee low and invest as a club in the event. In practice, if only a few participants make a refund request it will be honored.
Our cancellation policy is that it is up to us to decide whether to refund your money should you not be able to make it to the event. We have kept the fee low and invest as a club in the event. In practice, if only a few participants make a refund request it will be honored.
Registratie voor dit evenement is gesloten.
Reacties en verslagen

A.C.B. op ma 13 sep 2021 om 17:48
Door je in te schrijven voor de WHPVA Wereldkampioenschappen 2021 ga je akkoord met de volgende veiligheidsregels:
Bij aankomst op het evenement dient u een fietsveiligheidscertificaat te behalen. De fietsveiligheidsfunctionaris controleert deze punten:
- Een fiets moet voldoende remkracht hebben.
- Alle (aerodynamische) opzetstukken en toebehoren dienen zodanig te worden bevestigd dat ze tijdens de wedstrijden niet los kunnen raken.
- Een fiets mag aan geen enkele kant scherpe, uitstekende bits of open buiseinden hebben.
- Bij een ligfiets zonder behuizing moet het kettingblad worden beschermd door een vast schild of door een sterke roterende kettingkast die vrij is van scherpe randen.
- Een achteruitkijkspiegel moet aanwezig en functioneel zijn. Het kan zowel aan de fiets als aan de berijder worden bevestigd.
Safety for rider and bike
By enrolling the WHPVA World Championships 2021 you agree to the following safety rules:
Bike certification
When you arrive at the event, you must obtain a bike safety certificate. The bike safety official will check these points:
- A bike must have sufficient braking power.
- All (aerodynamic) attachments and accessories must be attached such that they won't come off during the races.
- A bike must not have sharp, protruding bits or open tube ends on any side.
- For a recumbent bike without enclosure, the chain ring must be protected by either a fixed shield or by a strong rotating chain guard that is free from sharp edges.
- A rear view mirror must be present and functional. It may be attached to either the bike or the rider.
Vr groet veiligheidsinspecteur