Nieuw merk Saeta Trikes
We ontvingen een persbericht van een nieuwe speler op te markt voor driewielige ligfietsen oftwel trikes. Ze hebben een model wat op de markt wordt gebracht waarbij op een heel nieuwe manier de marketing wordt ingevuld.

Feitelijk wordt de trike verkocht zonder daarin de tussenhandel te betrekken. Service, onderhoud enzovoort gaan direct vanaf de leverancier. Dit spaart volgens de bouwers behoorlijk wat kosten en levert uiteindelijk de eindgebruiker geld op omdat deze alleen betaald voor hetgeen werkelijk wordt afgenomen.
De trike is volgens de foto's die we ervan op de mooie site wel redelijk basic qua opzet en ontwerp. Volgens onderstaand persbericht is hiervoor bewust gekozen. Een betaalbare fiets gericht als instapmodel voor de kopers van driewielige ligfietsen. Het is zover wij weten de eerste fiets die via crowdfunding op de markt komt.
De trike is volgens de foto's die we ervan op de mooie site wel redelijk basic qua opzet en ontwerp. Volgens onderstaand persbericht is hiervoor bewust gekozen. Een betaalbare fiets gericht als instapmodel voor de kopers van driewielige ligfietsen. Het is zover wij weten de eerste fiets die via crowdfunding op de markt komt.
In recent years there is a higher interest for recumbent trikes.
With no balance issues and easy to ride because of the stability of the three wheels, we can see why sales have surpassed their two wheeler recumbent counterparts. The higher interest is in the trikes that are able to offer the best for the minimum bucks possible. In one hand, customers ask for the same quality/price range found in mass production bicycle markets, while in the other hand recumbent makers have to deal with niche sales and expensive promotion and sales chain. Is quite of a dead end road situation.
To break through these tight compromises and bring some fresh air to the trike sector, Elias Almansa, the designer and one of the starters of MetaBikes recumbents, has teamed with leading automotive industrial suppliers to work in a different way. The aim is to place professional design, engineering and high-volume production capabilities at the service of the final user. Through Demand Driven Manufacturing, purchases are gathered in campaign sales to be fabricated at once, lowering production costs in line to those of the bicycle general market. And through direct sales policy there is a huge savings in handling, storing and brand promotion. The customers pay for the real cost of the product, and all the rest remain in their pockets. The first run will be sold through Indiegogo crowdfunding platform. If enough interest rises, in a second phase dealers can be incorporated in this process, connecting the discounted prices, direct sales and dealer service. So, in the end, a win-win-win proposition.
But, what trike is it? Saeta trikes are based on straight forward design, simple, robust, and long lasting. They are a base product, fully functional, reliable, very modular and customizable. Due to its great value, it can be used as the starting point of a more complex vehicle, like velomobile, utility cargo trike or electrified commuter. Also are a good deal as rental vehicle fleet that will have high ocupation because of the novelty and fun factor, with a quick return of the investment. Turning is made through direct steering system, by long lever underseat handlebars that are easy, comfortable and precise.
The innovative T-shape frame design makes possible to fit very from short riders like teenagers to the tallest adults. High adjustability of seat's inclination, like comfortable vertical seat, very aerodynamical laid back, or anywhere in between.
Multiple seat mounting positions, front - back positioning, complete the fine tunning for best individual fit. Frame is made of high grade aerospace european aluminium alloy. Superior strength than 6061 and 7005 aluminiums. It is offered as 20"-26" road trike, or 24"-26" mountain trike, and also as framekit, which is highly versatile and customizable. And to complete the offer, a 7 year warranty is granted as part of the deal.
More information at:
Currenty on sale at Indiegogo
In recent years there is a higher interest for recumbent trikes.
With no balance issues and easy to ride because of the stability of the three wheels, we can see why sales have surpassed their two wheeler recumbent counterparts. The higher interest is in the trikes that are able to offer the best for the minimum bucks possible. In one hand, customers ask for the same quality/price range found in mass production bicycle markets, while in the other hand recumbent makers have to deal with niche sales and expensive promotion and sales chain. Is quite of a dead end road situation.
To break through these tight compromises and bring some fresh air to the trike sector, Elias Almansa, the designer and one of the starters of MetaBikes recumbents, has teamed with leading automotive industrial suppliers to work in a different way. The aim is to place professional design, engineering and high-volume production capabilities at the service of the final user. Through Demand Driven Manufacturing, purchases are gathered in campaign sales to be fabricated at once, lowering production costs in line to those of the bicycle general market. And through direct sales policy there is a huge savings in handling, storing and brand promotion. The customers pay for the real cost of the product, and all the rest remain in their pockets. The first run will be sold through Indiegogo crowdfunding platform. If enough interest rises, in a second phase dealers can be incorporated in this process, connecting the discounted prices, direct sales and dealer service. So, in the end, a win-win-win proposition.
But, what trike is it? Saeta trikes are based on straight forward design, simple, robust, and long lasting. They are a base product, fully functional, reliable, very modular and customizable. Due to its great value, it can be used as the starting point of a more complex vehicle, like velomobile, utility cargo trike or electrified commuter. Also are a good deal as rental vehicle fleet that will have high ocupation because of the novelty and fun factor, with a quick return of the investment. Turning is made through direct steering system, by long lever underseat handlebars that are easy, comfortable and precise.
The innovative T-shape frame design makes possible to fit very from short riders like teenagers to the tallest adults. High adjustability of seat's inclination, like comfortable vertical seat, very aerodynamical laid back, or anywhere in between.
Multiple seat mounting positions, front - back positioning, complete the fine tunning for best individual fit. Frame is made of high grade aerospace european aluminium alloy. Superior strength than 6061 and 7005 aluminiums. It is offered as 20"-26" road trike, or 24"-26" mountain trike, and also as framekit, which is highly versatile and customizable. And to complete the offer, a 7 year warranty is granted as part of the deal.
More information at:
Currenty on sale at Indiegogo
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