Major sponsorship has also been received from, manufacturer of velomobiles and Picardi BV, manufacturer of high-voltage transformators.
We welcome additional sponsors.
Sponsorship deals
Friend of the seminar € 350
A Friend of the seminar will receive 2 Passe partouts + 20 consumption vouchers and 2 lunch/diner vouchers worth € 20. Also mentioning on the seminar website, on and in the seminar proceedings.
Partner of the seminar € 1000
A partner of the seminar will receive 4 passe partouts + 40 consumption vouchers and 4 lunch/diner vouchers worth € 20. Partners will be mentioned on the seminar website, at and in the seminar proceedings. As a partner you will also get a ¼ page advertorial space.
Sponsor of the seminar € 2500
A Sponsor of the seminar will receive 8 passe partouts + 80 consumption vouchers and 8 lunch/diner vouchers worth € 20. Partners will be mentioned on the seminar website, at and in the seminar proceedings. As a partner you will also get a ½ page advertorial space.
Main Sponsor of the seminar € 5000
The Main Sponsor of the seminar will receive 8 passe partouts + 80 consumption vouchers and 8 lunch/diner vouchers worth € 20. Partners will be mentioned on the seminar website, at and in the seminar proceedings. As a main sponsor you will also get a full page advertorial space. The main sponsor will also be mentioned on promotional material and posters (when available in time). Other forms of support and sponsorship are possible. Contact by mail or telephone: Jos Slujsmans, or call: 06 30014801 international 0031 630014801