Camping at the World Championships 2021
Located quite in the middle between the tracks in Sloten and Spaarnwoude, and only five kilometers from the edge of Schiphol Airport, there is camping Blauhek, a beautiful small 'farmers campsite' completely surrounded by green fields, tiny roads and waterways, offering a perfect relaxing atmosphere. Note: the campsite is nearly full, you can only register if you are a racer or volunteer. Email for instructions. For others we suggest camping Schoonenberg.
Start: | Vrijdag 17 september 2021 |
Locatie: | Kerkweg 4, 2064 KP Spaarndam |
Meer info: | Cycle Vision |
Website: | |
Normally they don't accept groups but for us they have made an exception. Since this is a small camp site, we may need to close registration when popularity of this option is too high. Also we urge racers to take showers at the sports facility rather than at the camp site, since there are just 2 male/2 female showers.
In addition to camping, we also have an excellent food option. Restaurant Broccolis, a vegan/vegetarian restaurant that can do miracles with veggies will offer a choice of carbohydrate-rich menus and deliver on Saturday at the campsite. You can register for this option soon, at this page:
In addition to camping, we also have an excellent food option. Restaurant Broccolis, a vegan/vegetarian restaurant that can do miracles with veggies will offer a choice of carbohydrate-rich menus and deliver on Saturday at the campsite. You can register for this option soon, at this page:
Getting from the Sloten race track to the camp site
By car, it is 20 minutes from Sloten to the camp site.
By bike, it is 15 km from Sloten to the camp site (route has 2-3 ramps, tested OK with DF).
By bike, it is 15 km from Sloten to the camp site (route has 2-3 ramps, tested OK with DF).
Getting from the camp site to the Spaarnwoude race track
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Reacties en verslagen

Alexander, gewoon een mailtje naar sturen:
Krijg je misschien snel een antwoord.
Krijg je misschien snel een antwoord.

Heb ik gedaan. Hopelijk niet te laat aan de organisatie van mijn weekend begonnen. Deze week pas duidelijk dat de fiets van Daan waarschijnlijk op tijd af is. Dus duimen maar.

Zoals hierboven staat, is er een uitwijk mogelijk naar camping Schoonenberg in Driehuis. Verder weg van Amsterdam-Sloten, maar ongeveer net zo ver als van camping Blauhek naar de wielerbaan bij Spaarndam.

in verband met ziekte komen wij met 4 persoonen minder dan geplant. Wie dus spontan wil campen zal eventjes contakt met de email boven opnemen moeten.

Ik heb van Rembrandt de info dat de plaatsen al wer weg zijn. Dat ging snel.
A.C.B. op ma 13 sep 2021 om 17:43