Largest Gathering of velomobiles ?

Attempt to beat the record of 149 velomobiles (since 28-12-2011) Just make sure to be there with your velomobile!!

Georganiseerd door: Velomobile Seminar
Start: Zaterdag 8 september 2012
Locatie: Dronten, De Meerpaal
Meer info: Quesjer

The record for a gathering of Velomobiles is 149 since the "oliebollentocht" of 28-12-2011. Today we attack this record with at least 150 velomobiles riding in one huge group.
We will provide a nice memorabilia. Just make sure to be there with your velomobile!!
The attempt will be held in front of The Meerpaal, de Rede, Dronten.
The Mayor of Dronten will open the ride of today


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Reacties en verslagen

mango69 op ma 16 jul 2012 om 10:44

Beste Quesjer. Het record van 149 Velomobielen tijdens de Oliebollentocht 2011 is door Guinness niet erkend. Groeten Kees van Hattem.