Cycle Vision in September
We are contemplating whether to organize a Cycle Vision in September 2022.
Here you can register for the event to indicate that you are interested and which weekend you are/are not available.
Update July 30, 2022:
We are organizing a 'Cycle Vision - extra edition' on September 24 and 25.
Start: | Zaterdag 24 september 2022 |
Locatie: | Sloten/Spaarnwoude |
Meer info: | cyclevision |
Last year, Cycle Vision hosted the world championships in Amsterdam, so in the normal cycle we would be racing in Meppen this year. However, due to personal circumstances and a change of ownership of the Meppen race track, the German organisers are looking at 2023 rather than 2022 for the race in Meppen. Long story short, we are now considering to host a Cycle Vision in Sloten/Spaarnwoude this year, most likely in the weekend of 23-25 September.
Registration cost will be similar to last year, <50 euro for full weekend.
Registratie voor dit evenement is gesloten.
Reacties en verslagen

Look at this link what Callaloo Hoek can cook:

Of mijn (verkeers)drempelwieltje ter bescherming van de voetenbakken van lage velomobielen als de DF.
Eveneens het prototype, aan de JE-trike.

Even though registration is closed right now.
Is there any chance to participate as a racer (6 hours and so on)?
I´d really like to join the event!

otmarb op vr 22 apr 2022 om 18:47